Here you will find the latest news, specialist articles and event announcements

Underestimated career help: Why networking can be your greatest asset
In today's working world, a strong network is essential for identifying professional opportunities and increasing your own employability . Networking is more than just collecting contacts - it requires strategic commitment, authenticity and continuous maintenance.

competence-Need a boost? How to continuously improve your skills with micro-learning
Further training is often time-consuming - but there are still ways to develop continuously without having to schedule long learning blocks. Micro-learning offers you precisely this flexibility. It means building up knowledge in small learning units when and where it suits you. And this is how the method works!

How to find time for lifelong learning despite a full-time job
Lifelong learning is the key to staying relevant in the fast-paced job market and developing personally. But how can you balance learning with a (full-time) job? Here are 7 tips and strategies to help you continuously strengthen your skills despite a busy schedule.

The influence of artificial intelligence on the skill set of employees and managers
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world of work at a rapid pace. companies around the world are integrating AI technologies to optimize processes, increase productivity and secure competitive advantages. But what impact is this transformation having on the skills of employees and managers?
Skills shortage: What could help us solve the problem
The shortage of skilled workers is a pressing problem in Switzerland - no question about it. However, the causes are complex. They need to be considered from different angles. In other words, both employers and employees must take responsibility. You can find out what this means in concrete terms in the article.
Skilly Award 2023 - The "Change Agents Network": This is how New Work works !
"For the best future ever" - with this purpose, GKB is setting important signals for the future, including for the topic of New Work. It wants to be seen as a pioneer in this field and has implemented this with an interesting approach. This year, GKB was awarded the Skilly Award "Overall Bank Development Program".
Skilly Award 2023 - The "second half of the working life" initiative
A shortage of skilled workers, demographic change and the ambition to show special appreciation to long-serving employees have led BLKB to launch a special program. It was therefore awarded the Skilly Award 2023 in the team project category for its "Second half of the career" initiative competence development,
These are our top topics for 2024
skillaware goes 2024! And, as always, with the latest topics and trends in our luggage. This year, we are focusing on artificial intelligence and explaining what AI has to do with competence development . You will also gain insights into best practice examples for employee development and Career design.
Bruno's story: Eternity doesn't last forever
In the 80s, Bruno switched from retail to banking. For 35 years, he shaped the "Banking Operations" area as a processing specialist. He feels comfortable and confident in his field. But the digitisation comes - faster than expected. And it brings consequences. Bruno soon faces the biggest challenge of his life.

Skilly Award 2022 - How GKB is doing pioneering work in employee development
Graubündner Kantonalbank has done pioneering work in the area of further training in recent years. It is taking matters into its own hands with an innovative certificate course and is taking an active and forward-looking approach to the development of its employees. That is why it is also our winner of the Skilly Award 2022.
SERIES: Simple tips and tricks for training 16 relevant basic competences - PART 4
Discover exercises and food for thought that you can easily implement in your everyday life. In the last part of the series, we take a closer look at the following category: competences in industry-led and digital methods.
Sandra's story: An IT expert takes unexpected paths
banking sector was a lifeline for the young Sandra. She was able to express herself as a programmer there. But now customer contact seems essential and other skills are also in demand. Her new boss only means well, but Sandra feels overwhelmed by her upcoming role.
Daniel's story: The HR expert's daily balancing act
In today's world, HR expert Daniel faces the daily challenge of finding the balance between the unique needs of employees and the strategic goals of the company. This balancing act requires expertise, sensitivity, creativity and an overview of current trends. Will he succeed?

Skilly Award 2021 - Development hero Vera Würsch: a role model for the young generation
Taking care of your own professional career and advancing your own competence development is not just for older employees. Development hero Vera Würsch has impressively demonstrated what this looks like. Read for yourself.

Skilly Award 2021 - What's behind Societe Generale's "Trio Gagnant"
Societe Generale Private Banking (Suisse) SA has won the Skilly Award 2021 award in the overall bank development program category with its "Trio gagnat" program. In this interview, Brice Rattez and Clara Maréchal talk about what is behind the initiative and what it has achieved.

Skilly Award 2020 - How sustainable employee development works
Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) demonstrates an outstanding commitment to competence development and promotes both employees and managers in a holistic and forward-looking manner. This is why BLKB was awarded the Skilly Award prize this year.

Skilly Award 2020 - What's behind the give.take.learn initiative
The HR team at Zürcher Kantonalbank has launched an innovative learning initiative that supports all employees in their individual competence development development. This is why the team was awarded the Skilly Award prize. Find out what is behind this commitment in the interview with Head of HR Boris Billing.

Skilly Award 2020 - Nicolas Ludin tells of an unexpected development journey
Nicolas Ludin wins the Skilly Award 2020 in the "Development Hero" category. His development story shows neither a profound journey nor an extraordinary drama, but a quick, precise intervention against the negative spiral that seized him at the beginning of the first corona lockdown.
Getting off to a good start again in your mid-40s
Getting your career off to a flying start in your mid-40s. Realize your own ambitions, fulfill a long-cherished wish and set up your own business companies . Many people consciously work their entire professional life towards such a goal. But there are also people who don't have a long time to prepare, but have to react.

The recipe for success behind Lebensgestalter:innen
world of work 4.0 offers opportunities and scope for people who want to actively shape their career and biography. Training and further training, also in the form of informal but regular skills training, are important in order to maintain and further develop one's own employability .
skills@home: Competence training in Podcast format
Do you dream of always being up to date with the latest employee development, leadership, competence development and career trends? We make the dream come true with our new Podcast format "skills@home". Stream now for free wherever there are podcasts!