7 quick questions for...career coach Helene Ducret

We asked career coach and career consultant Helene a few questions about our offer. And this was her verdict...

skillaware stands for...

...a structured approach that helps me to assess my fitness level of 16 important generic competencies. skillaware also serves as an optimal orientation to develop an action plan for my future development that suits me and my goals.

I am involved with skillaware because...

...lifelong learning and continuous competence development is the key to personal and professional growth. And it enables me to improve my attractiveness on the job market more successfully and sustainably.

When you come to me at orientation meeting , you can expect...

...a sympathetic ear, a professional attitude and a confidential setting. I give you the space you need so that you can immerse yourself even more deeply in self-reflection . Together we will identify the skills you need to train in order to achieve your goals.

My main occupation is as a...

...learning and development specialist and employability coach. I help people, teams and organizations to master difficult phases of change.

What inspires me most about my job is...

...that I learn something new every day, either through my clients or through the exchange with my professional network partners, who come from different specialist areas and cultures with different backgrounds.  

My favorite place in Switzerland is...

...the UNESCO region of Lavaux, between the cities of Lausanne and Montreux, which offers the most spectacular views of Lake Geneva and the Alps.

I would like to have dinner with this person...

...With Nelson Mandela. Because of his charismatic leadership qualities, despite many years of imprisonment. And of course because of his persistent fight for justice and equality.

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Headlining Hard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

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