skills@home: Competence training in Podcast format

Do you dream of always being up to date with the latest employee development, leadership, competence development and career trends? We make the dream come true with our new Podcast format "skills@home". Stream now for free wherever there are podcasts!

skills@home: Competence training in Podcast format

With the exciting Podcast skills@home format, skillaware is now making it even easier for bank employees, managers and HR managers to get started with competence and career development. Is working from home presenting you with technical challenges and increasing your stress levels? Are you still pondering why the last meeting escalated to such an extent? Do you need input for your management activities or want to know which career models are on the rise? 

Our new Podcast "skills@home" provides suitable tips and impulses from renowned experts from Switzerland, Austria and Germany.

At Podcast , we provide answers to a wide range of practical questions. For example, we discuss why an Excel course is not competence development , how to turn conflicts innovation into creativity, why there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to modern leadership and we show successful best practice examples from various HR development departments.

competence development rediscover

competence development is a topic that is rapidly gaining in importance in almost all sectors due to digitisation and the change in work contexts. This makes the topic equally relevant for all banking institutions, employees and managers. In order to be able to secure employability in the long term, regular training of one's own skills is required.
But the question is: how does competence development work in practice and which skills do I need to apply in which situation? "We have often received questions like this since launching the skillaware campaign in September 2019. They have also shown us that we need to support employees with activation this year," says Franca Burkhardt, skillaware program manager. Presenting the topic of competence development in a Podcast series offers a unique opportunity to combine application tips, theoretical information and entertainment with refreshing everyday anecdotes in a single format. The Podcast shows that competence development is not a dry topic, but a versatile, entertaining and practically relevant one, and that a conscious examination of one's own abilities can be an exciting and sometimes surprising journey of discovery that will trigger an "aha moment" or two.

Listen now and get started

Six episodes of skills@home are currently available online. Each episode focuses on a different topic. The interview partners explain the difference between knowledge and skills, discuss the topic of Conflict management and give listeners practical tips for working from home and leadership .
skills@home also actively involves listeners. In the current episode, the Podcast hosts provide concrete answers to a collection of questions. "It is particularly important to us that the people who listen to our Podcast can really take something away with them. In the best case scenario, they are so motivated after an episode that they can hardly wait to get started with Competence training straight away," emphasizes Luisa Cimmino, Operational Project Manager at skillaware and Podcast host.

The Podcast format offers the great advantage that listeners can access the information at any time, from almost anywhere and free of charge. Whether on a walk, preparing dinner, relaxing on the couch or in the car - the right topic can be selected on demand and paused if necessary. The Podcast can be found on this website and is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts as well as other streaming platforms.

skillaware supports banks with further digital offerings

Our Podcast series is part of a wide range of offers. For individual employees, we recommend our competence compass. HR managers and executives will find what they are looking for on this page. Almost all offers are available free of charge. We look forward to receiving your inquiry.

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