skillaware stands for...
...the attributes innovative and future-oriented. skillaware takes care of the topics competence development and employability. These topics are more important than ever. Because right now we are setting the course for more enjoyment and satisfaction at work.
I am involved with skillaware because...
...I would like to support the common goal of all those involved: to create greater awareness of skills, strengths, resources and development opportunities among as many professionals as possible.
At orientation meeting, you can expect...
...encouraging feedback on important skills that are needed in the current world of work 4.0 , as well as exploring strengths and development opportunities. And all this with a neutral specialist.
My main occupation is as a...
...Life and Career Coach at stedtnitz. design your life GmbH in Zurich, where I work with our team across all age groups and industries.
What inspires me most about my job is...
...that every day I can explore anew with people what is really important to them in life and encourage them on their way there.
My favorite place in Switzerland is...
...Zurich - beautiful in every season, cosmopolitan and cozy at the same time. The city picks me up in every mood and condition.
I would like to have dinner with this person...
...with Franca Burkhardt, the courageous program manager of skillaware. I would love to explore in more depth with her how this great idea for this platform and the offers came about.