"The ability to suffer is the wrong goal"

Organizational developer Franca Burkhardt and career coach Caroline Schultheiss explain the difference between Resilience and the ability to suffer. They also show why the former is much more desirable.

We often tend to put our own needs on the back burner out of a sense of duty and loyalty. We say yes to a task even though we don't actually have any more capacity or stay late at work to finish something quickly. But then we have to cancel a private meeting that we've been looking forward to for weeks. All of this can lead to overload in the long term. That's why organizational developer Franca Burkhardt and career coach Caroline Schultheiss advocate a more conscious approach to stress. This is the only way to prevent negative consequences in the long term. We must therefore focus on strengthening our resilience and not become even more "capable of suffering".

Read the full article on the topic now on Finews.

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