Preventive check-up "orientation meeting"

After the onlineself-reflection , we recommend a orientation meeting for the next step. Advantage: You can mirror your results with independent career coaches , ask questions and get training impulses.

Prevention is better than aftercare

Regular health check-ups at the doctor or going to the gym have become routine for many of us. The aim is clear: we want to prevent illness, improve our fitness level and well-being and thus also increase our quality of life and expectations. But that wasn't always the case. Today, we are much more responsive to such preventive measures than we used to be.

The reason for this is a heightened awareness and our ability to assess the consequences of physical neglect very well. This healthMindset has undergone such a strong development that many companies have also taken up the issue and implemented it in the form of occupational health management. But what do health check-ups have to do with our services, competence development and employability ?

Out of the comfort zone - into the competence zone

The day-to-day work of bank employees also involves muscle building and endurance training - but in a figurative sense. Because that's where we train our competence fitness. At best, we consciously develop our skills in interdisciplinary areas and learn new things every day. Not because we have to, but because it is important for us personally. Because we want to position ourselves well for the changes world of work, because we want to make ourselves indispensable. To do this, we need a pronounced awareness of our skills . In other words, we continuously review and develop our skills. We practise giving presentations, take a structured approach to negotiations or discussions, familiarize ourselves with digital collaboration tools, train in making decisions or apply problem-solving methods. And every time we do this consciously and reflect on it afterwards, we get a little better at it. The secret ingredient is sticking with it and following your training plan over the long term.

Where can I get a training plan? 

As in the gym, we suggest that you first do a general fitness check. Based on this, a sensible training plan can then be derived that is individually tailored to your needs. We offer our onlineself-reflection for this first step. A free skills check that shows you how fit you are in 16 different interdisciplinary skills. In the second step, we recommend that you carry out an orientation meeting with a career coach. Think of orientation meeting as the equivalent of a medical health check-up or a training session with a personal coach. Our career coaches are independent experts who will equip you with the best possible tools to get you out of your starting block and shape your future career according to your ideas. At the end of the orientation meeting, you will receive a package of individual measures and strategies for competence development.

Your advantages of an orientation meeting:

  • ‍‍Reflectionand classification of the results of your onlineself-reflection.
  • The individual selection of practical tips and simple and efficient measures to train your skills at work and at home
  • Discussion of issues that concern you personally in your everyday work

For whom is orientation meeting worthwhile?

The added value of an orientation meeting benefits every bank employee, regardless of the results of your self-reflection. Do you feel vindicated by the results? Great, now it's time to keep at it so that your skills remain well trained in the future. Do you feel rather unsettled by the evaluation? Don't worry! What could be better than knowing where you can train specifically to feel better? Try to consciously detach yourself from categories such as age, department, hierarchies or the result of the self-evaluation. Instead, consider whether you can imagine breaking out of your comfort zone by making the review and development of your own skills a fixed routine that you enjoy and that gets you out of the daily grind. It is precisely in this initial phase that our career coaches will be happy to support you.

Keep in mind: personal development and targeted skills training are always worthwhile. Even if you feel fit. After all, the working environment and skills requirements are constantly changing in today's world. So take appropriate preventative measures. True to the motto "practice makes perfect", you can experience for yourself how keeping pace with changes becomes increasingly effortless.

We have your attention? 

Then follow this link and book an appointment today for a orientation meeting with our career coaches. If you are a member of the Swiss Bank Employees Association or the Commercial Employees Association, the meeting is free of charge for you. This also applies to people who are new members of one of the two associations . For all others, our coaches offer orientation meeting at a special rate of CHF 150 per hour.

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