We understand each other - don't we?
Self-management, New Work, employability - you already know roughly what this means, but you can't conjure a precise definition out of a hat right now? It's not necessary. Browse through our comprehensive lexicon now and familiarize yourself with the most important terms in the world of work 4.0 cosmos.
Ability to face new circumstances and remain open to new ideas.
purely concerning the work
Programs, technical devices, software or work materials that are used in everyday work to complete tasks or projects.
Ability to creatively shape one's own work or workplace.
Describes a person's chance of finding a job that matches their skills and qualifications. This also requires investing independently in the development of professional skills and career planning in order to adapt to changes the job and career path.
Programs, technical devices, software or work materials used in a specific specialist area to complete tasks or projects.
Describes a new age of work in which we are moving. 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial revolution, which is leading to more flexible, mobile and networked work through the mobile Internet and the "Internet of Things" with web-enabled devices, machines and work tools. Source: Pietzonka, Manuel. "Key competencies for dealing with social diversity for world of work 4.0- classification, labeling and measurement." Working environments of the future: How digitisation is changing our workplaces and ways of working (2019): 477-496.
This refers to the entire Swiss financial and banking sector, including all employees.
A specific specialist area in banks. More and more sub-process specialists work there, who are responsible, for example, for processing all transactions, monitoring deposits and loans, managing the opening and closing of accounts or, as exception handling specialists, ensuring that processes run smoothly or finding solutions to error messages. It should be noted that the specialist area is set up slightly differently in each institution. It is also sometimes grouped together under Back Office or Banking Services.
Ability to assess your own Resilience in terms of stress management and not to exceed it.
Employability refers to a person's ability to participate in working and professional life. Individual employability depends on whether the demands of the world of work are in line with a person's personal, professional, social and methodological skills as well as their health and ability to work. Very similar to the term employability.
1. should be equally comprehensible across industries and industry-specific in order to increase employability and simplify competence- and performance promotion2. can be expanded, shortened or changed or must be adapted to the current technical and economic state of the industry 3. represent assessable knowledge, skill and behavior requirements for managers and employees 4. should support the cultural programs, behavior and value requirements of companies 5. form the basis for other competency models (such as specialist, project, management careers and talent management)6. must be compatible with various competence and performance models
Also cultural diversity. This refers to the existence of diverse life histories in terms of age, education, living situation, critical life events, etc., within a group or organization.
A new model of personal Work structure: As experienced employees reach an advanced age, they gradually relinquish responsibilities and take on alternative functions and tasks within the company. One example of this is stepping down from a management position in favor of taking on a project management role. Source: https://www.kfmv.ch/ueber-uns/blogartikel/die-bow career-corresponds-to-biological-development
Includes common technical and methodological skills and focuses specifically on aspects of the banking industry in the survey.
Ability to process, analyze and manage data.
Ability to take responsibility for your own actions and those of your employees.
Ability to communicate and present in a manner appropriate to the recipient
Ability to make creative and self-organized decisions and take action in entrepreneurial decision-making situations.
Ability to always focus one's own work and cooperation on results / Individual consciously pursues and realizes goals with great willpower, perseverance and activity and is only satisfied when clear results are achieved.
(Source: Erpenbeck / Heyse 2007, p.48)
Ability to always focus one's own work and cooperation on results.
Professional competence refers to the specific knowledge, skills and expertise that a person possesses in a particular subject area or professional field. This competence includes not only theoretical knowledge, but also the practical application of knowledge to successfully complete complex tasks. Expertise can be acquired and developed through formal training, professional experience and continuous further training development. It is crucial for effective performance in a particular field and helps to overcome challenges and develop innovative solutions.
Source: Chat GPT
Within the four steps of the "skillaware competence-Compass", you can request feedback from colleagues, superiors, friends or other personal contacts. The selected persons answer an onlinequestionnaire (duration approx. 7 minutes). The external feedback is a valuable addition to your self-evaluation.
Are to be regarded as basic fitness or basic skills assurance for employees in an entire industry. They can therefore be learned and promoted by every employee.
to be understood as specified orientation points for the description of a competence
Means the ability and willingness of the individual to use knowledge and skills as well as personal, social and methodological abilities and to behave in a thoughtful and individually and socially responsible manner. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20191205225419/https://www.dqr.de/media/content/Der_Deutsche_Qualifikationsrahmen_fue_lebenslanges_Lernen.pdf
Ability to handle the company's digital identity and your own securely in accordance with the applicable information security and data protection regulations.
Ability to act in an interdisciplinary manner across disciplines and organizations.
Ability to use digital communication tools in a results-oriented and confident manner.
Programs or technical devices used for communication (e.g. mail programs, instant messengers, cloud services, video telephony, cable telephony, sending letters).
In science, competencies are described as follows. They are based on a minimum level of knowledge, are shaped by rules, values and norms, develop through personal experience and are ultimately put into practice or applied and tested by our own will. Source: Heyse, Volker, and John Erpenbeck. Competence training: Information and training programs. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2009.
A quantitative or qualitative method that enables an objective or subjective measurement of the existing competence level of individuals.
Also cultural diversity. This refers to the existence of multiple identities and cultures within a group or organization.
This term covers both external customers and internal customers (e.g. other specialist area, other department).
Ability to approach customers and partners with great personal dialog strength.
Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is the ability of a machine to imitate human abilities such as logical thinking, learning, planning and creativity. Source: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/de/headlines/society/20200827STO85804/was-ist-kunstliche-intelligenz-und-wie-wird-sie-genutzt
Chat GPT itself gives the following definition: Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of algorithms and computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence. These include problem solving, language processing, pattern recognition, learning and decision making. AI systems use data and algorithms to identify patterns, create models and continuously learn. There are different forms of AI. From weak AI, which is limited to specific tasks, to strong AI systems that have a wide range of cognitive abilities and could theoretically achieve human-like thinking. AI is used in many fields, including medicine, finance, automation, image processing and speech recognition.
"Learning & Development (L&D) is an area of HR management that aims to promote the professional development of employees. This includes training courses, further education programs and other initiatives. L&D supports individual development and contributes to the achievement of corporate goals by identifying skills gaps, developing training plans and evaluating the effectiveness of measures. If the area is optimally aligned, this helps employees to acquire relevant skills more quickly and adapt better to business changes .
Ability to understand cultural and biographical diversity and creatively incorporate it into joint action.
The need-to-know principle basically describes a security objective for classified information. Even if a person generally has access to data or information of this security level, the need-to-know principle prohibits access if the information is not directly required by this person for the fulfillment of a specific task.
The social philosopher Frithjof Bergmann coined the term New Work back in the 1970s. Today, New Work describes the profound change in the world of work. Driven by digitisation, globalization and the increased use of artificial intelligence. These changes offer employees and employers completely new possibilities for planning, performing and structuring work....Source: https://www.haufe-akademie.de/new-work?akttyp=organische%20suche&med=google&aktnr=84834&wnr=04393672#was
A meeting with a career coach or skills advisor, which can be used after self-reflection . In this meeting, you can reflect on and classify the results of the self-reflection together with the prodi and discuss further steps for your competence development .
Means competencies and skills that I as a person apply to myself. For example, dealing constructively with stress or the ability to organize my own daily routine. So-called I-me-me competencies.
The right of personality is a bundle of rights that serves to protect the personality from interference in their life and freedom. As a so-called post-mortem right of personality, it can also have an effect beyond the death of the person. In the Swiss Civil Code, the right of personality is laid down in particular in Art. 28.
Obtaining other people's personal data (such as password, credit card number, etc.) with fake e-mails or websites.
Ability to successfully solve problems.
Evaluation protocol of your self-evaluation, which you will receive after answering all questions.
A procedure or method that I as a person can use to carry out a structured self-assessment or self-appraisal. At skillaware, we use an onlinequestionnaire for this purpose. Objective: I think about my own skills and reflect on them using specific questions. We also call it self-reflection on our website.
Self-management is a principle that aims to help people direct their behavior according to their own goals. Those who master self-management as competence are firstly able to perceive and realize their own needs. On the other hand, they have strategies at their disposal to steer their own behavior in line with the goals they have set themselves. Self-management therefore also includes a degree of self-regulation. Source: https://dorsch.hogrefe.com/stichwort/selbstmanagement
self-reflection is something you do when you think about yourself. In general, this can mean that you analyze your thoughts, feelings and actions, trying to evaluate them as objectively as possible and daring to question things. The aim of self-reflection is to find out more about yourself and gain more clarity. At skillaware, you can use an online questionnaire in step 1 to reflect on your competence fitness.
Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/self-reflection
Interpersonal influence with the aim of gaining unauthorized access to information or technical infrastructures.
Soft skills are made up of personal values (such as fairness and respect), characteristics (such as composure and patience), abilities (such as critical thinking and listening) and social skills (such as teamwork and empathy). Although soft skills and social skills overlap to some extent, soft skills go beyond the dimensions of characteristics and individual abilities. In any case, they are distinct from pure knowledge and Professional skills. Source:https://wirtschaftslexikon.gabler.de/definition/soft-skills-53994
Comprises all of the individual's abilities to deal with the social and organizational environment and to move within it (e.g. communication skills). So-called I - WE competencies
Partnership between employers' and employees' associations or trade unions. skillaware emerged from such a social partnership. The players involved are: Employers in Banking, the Swiss Bank Employees Association and Association of Commercial Employees
Ability to work successfully in and with teams and collectives.
Ability to acquire technical and digital knowledge and implement it in the work environment.
(Online) programs, tools or methods that you use in your daily work.
Describes the ability of individuals to activate themselves and to develop and change themselves and their own working environment on their own initiative. So-called I-ENVIRONMENT competencies
The term must be clearly separated from skills. First of all, knowledge is a collection of information. We can, for example, structure or categorize it. However, knowledge does not yet enable us to do something. For example: We can read a book that explains how to fly a Boeing 704 (knowledge building). However, this knowledge only helps us to a limited extent in getting a Boeing 704 safely into the air and landing again. Rather, this requires skills. And we build these up through application and continuous practice.
Skills that go beyond specialized knowledge and Professional skills and are important in various areas of life and work. These skills are fundamental for personal growth, professional development and good interpersonal relationships. interdisciplinary skills are not limited to specific professions, but are useful in many situations. Examples: Presentation skills, negotiation skills, Decision-making ability, flexibility.
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