Skilly Award 2024 - Apply now!

Also this year skillaware awards the Skilly Award. An award in three categories for special projects in the field of competence- and HR development. Apply quickly and easily now!

The Skilly Award 2024 is in the starting blocks - apply now!

We are awarding our Skilly Award for the fifth time. The award recognizes development initiatives and success stories from individuals, teams and banks that are committed to employability and competence development and have a special story to tell.

The philosophy behind Skilly Award:

The rewarding of the individual projects is not about comparing performance. Instead, the aim is to highlight the people and organizations as well as the successes and hurdles overcome behind the labor-intensive and time-consuming projects. For this reason, the final selection will be made by drawing lots to decide the winners of the individual categories. It goes without saying that the applications submitted will be pre-selected on the basis of the criteria listed below. The award is completely independent of participation in skillaware self-reflection or the holding of an orientation interview.

How does the nomination process work and what are the formal criteria?

We look forward to receiving your success stories and projects and ask you to consider the following formal criteria:

A short e-mail describing the success story or your project or initiative with the most important key data is sufficient. Please answer the following questions:

  • What was done in the area of personnel and competence development and lifelong learning made?
  • What was the underlying motivation? What current challenges did they want to meet?
  • What were the particular hurdles and exciting findings?
  • What positive effects have been achieved?

Please name a contact person and the relevant contact details and send your success story to: with the subject "Skilly Award 2024"

Application deadline: 11.10.2024

What prize categories are there? And what criteria should be met to be included in the lottery pot?

Development hero:

  • Bank employee who would like to report on why and with which strategies and measures he/she is implementing the topic competence development and lifelong learning consciously and purposefully in their professional or private environment.
  • Bank employee who has taken advantage of coaching or support from a career advisor or coach and would like to report on the challenges and successes of this development path.

Team project competence development

  • A team in your organization from HR or another department that specifically focuses on the topics of lifelong learning, Competence training or employability and uses concrete measures to sensitize, activate and support employees in their development.
  • Setting up internal campaigns that focus on the topic competence development
  • Realignment of development and feedback meetings
  • Organization of information or coaching events for employees
  • The launch of special training courses or development programs

Development program for the Bank as a whole

  • Banks where raising awareness and activating the entire workforce on the topic of competence development is an integral part of the corporate strategy and organizational culture.


  • Long-term cross-organizational development measures or programs that are available to employees at all times as a point of contact for development issues
  • Opportunity for employees to regularly personal assessment
  • Establishment of large-scale mentoring programs that focus, for example, on mutual learning between different Generations

Prerequisite for inclusion in the lottery pot:

Willingness to report on your own success story. Incl. permission to distribute the story on all skillaware communication channels (website, social media, newsletter social partners of banking sector)

How are the projects and success stories presented?

In general, the award winners are presented via LinkedIn and newsletters from the skillaware initiators (Employers in Banking, the Swiss Bank Employees Association and Association of Commercial Employees). Two formats are used for this purpose:

  • Written interview with portrait photo / team photo
  • Guest appearance in skillaware Podcast skills@home

The preparation of your success story will take place between 16.10.2024 and 17.01.2025. Please allow approx. 45 minutes for a preliminary discussion, as well as approx. 120 minutes for the actual recording of the podcast and a buffer for further arrangements. Both will take place online.

skillaware is looking forward to your projects and stories and wishes you good luck!

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